As Promised in my last Blog here is the list of News topics which is either making lot of noise since last 2 years and their learnings or certain factual topics which helps us in understanding lot of recent developments in India and around the world.Each and every topic will help in connecting the dots(as mentioned in my previous blog) while reading newspaper.
- The Arab Spring - Learn about Arab world, 22 countries and capital, locations in world map, literacy rates, Arab league, Suez & Panama Canal, Tunisia, "Spring of nations", Revolts in Libya,Tunisia,Egypt and Yemen and their Rulers.Then Algeria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi, Syria(and so Russia Support), Turkey.Global repercussions - Jasmine revolutions,Anna hazare movement.
- Global Outsourcing Industry - Outsourcing, Insourcing, Offshoring, Reshoring, Jack Welch, internet & Bandwidth, Philippines, Infosys - growth and decline, TCS story, IT industry - software, services, ITeS BPO, hardware.
- Eurozone Crisis - European union and their members, fiscal and Monetary union, securitization, ECB, EFSM, EFSF, ESM, sovereign default, Credit rating agency,Masstericht criteria, Iceland bankrupt, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece crisis.
- Money & Markets - Risk, Return and Investment, shares, MF's, PF's, PPF's, Debentures, equity, Bulls & Bears, debt, derivative monetary and commodities market, Gold, Indices, Regulatory bodies.
- Sahara scandal - Shara companies, ponzhi schemes, SEBI, latest updates, bank run
- Banking - Banking History, banks, bank nationalization, RBI, PSU banks, RRB's and pct sector banks, Repo, CRR, SLR, CRR,NPA's and worry, Vijay mallya willful defaulter.Raghuram rajah's policies.
- Labour market situation - Malthusian theory, WAP, NAREGA, demographic dividend, manufacturing sector, India v/s China, SEZ.
- Kashmir Conflict - History and Mythology, rulers and kings, independence scenario and partition, UN role, Indo pak wars, India Pak rulers and confrontation, Kargil, Water conflict.
- India's Missile Program - Missile, Rocket, Nuclear weapons, types of Missile, surface to surface etc, Launch vehicles, launchers, cruise missiles, Brahmos, propulsion, warhead, Ballistic missile, Prithvi, agni, Akash etc facts and statistics, DRDO and other organization, APJ abdul kalam, 1945 US atomic bombing.
- Global warming - Climate, green house gases, atmosphere, deforestation, Ozone, International treaties, Montreal protocol, IPCC, UNFCC, kyoto protocol, Bali roadmap.
- Communism - concepts and definitions, Marxism, Leninism, Naxalism, cold war, karl marx, Das capital, Proletariat, stalinism, Maoism, Korean war, Cuba.
- Capitalism - Mercantilism, Britain, US, Capital, types of Capitalism, key thinkers, Adam smith, John menard keynes, friedman.
- Food Security Bill 2013 - Indian agri facts, land holdings, crops and patterns, land statistics, Ministry of agriculture, ICAR, food corporation of india, PDS operations, food security bill.WTO doha round
- Economic reforms of 1991 - Narsimha rao, manmohan singh, nationalization of banks, fiscal and revenue deficit, balance of payment, FDI and FII, FERA and FEMA, MRTPC and CCI,delicensing, disinvestment, decontrol, NEP,.
- Poverty - world bank, IMF, new BRICS bank, absolute and relative poverty, Poverty line, BPL, PPP- Purchasing power parity, Least developed countries, MDG's of the UN, India China statistics.
- China - history of china, Republic of china, chines communism, Polit buereu, PLA, cultural revolution, Tiananmmen square massacre, China facts and figures, honking, Taiwan
- Entrepreneurship - ideas, innovations, Apple, Facebook, Risk, uncertainty, sweat equity, angel investors, business incubators, kondratiev waves, capital, funding, venture capitalists.
- Review of indian economy every 3 months - get the fresh statistics and government policies affecting economy like high import duty in gold, dollar fluctuation control, RBI policies and impact, inflation, GDP growth, Quantitaive easing, Import & Export story, Current account deficit, slowdown, trade deficit, rainfall and impact on agriculture, liquidity, remittances, IIP, organization and bosses like WTO, RBI,SBI etc
- Cyber wars and cyber crimes & PRISM project - hacking, fraud and impersonation, DDOS, trojan, virus, worm, PRISM project and Snowden, debit credit card frauds.
- Indian states and telegana movement - history of indian states from independence, state reorganization act 1956, KC rao, now telengana status.
- Atomic energy and weapons - Atoms, fusion, fission, IAEA, NSG, NPT, CTBT, Nuclear weapons state, nuclear reactor, TRIAD, nuclear disasters - chernobyl, Fukishima.
- Shale gas revolution - shale gas, natural gas, sedimentary rocks, methane, fossil fuels, fissility, US shale gas production, impact on OIL countries of middle east,
- Judiciary - PILS, PIL history, landmark judgements, judiciary and legislative confrontation,.
- Handheld technology revolution - Mobile, google glass, internet in mobile, apps,.
- Coalgate scam - coal, coal facts, CIL history, captive coal blocks, the scam.
- US recession 2007 - capitalism, black swans, bail out, wall street, credit risk, CDO, CDS, QE, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, sub prime loans, AIG lehman brothers, housing bubble and its impact world over.
- Global Employment scenario and trends - types of employment, unemployment, recession, statistics, indian labour force.
- 2G scam - electromagnetic spectrum basics, Dept of telecom, A raja, DMK party, spectrum auction, first come first serve policy, National telecom policy 2012, A raja and scam, Nira radia, telecom companies, etisalat, telenor, Kannimozhi, essay group, Supreme courts rulings,.
- Population - world population statistics, religious population, languages, urbanization, rural poors, demographic transitions, fertility rate, chinas 1 child policy.
These are the list of topics I could think of as of today.I would add more topics as I figure out more.
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